Open Meeting Minutes
Danvers falconfest
January 6, 2025 |
7:00 PM |
Item |
Owner |
Ashley |
5 |
50 |
Pancake Breakfast
20 |
Upcoming Events and Volunteer Opportunities |
Dave |
5 |
Open |
10 |
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Board Members – Rebecca Froncki, Jocelyn Marchand, David Pabisz, Ashley Bivens, Melanie Little
Community Members – Mike Trainor, Barbara McNasby, Amy West, Sarah Gagnon, Lisa Cole, Joni Pesola, <1 anonymous attendee, didn’t get name>
Respectfully submitted by David Pabisz
Welcome – Ashley
- Welcome any new volunteers, visitors, ..etc.
- There is unexpected construction equipment and materials on the site
- We have reworked the map and suggested that the town fence around the vehicles and move a trailer.
- Task list
- Vendors and activities
- No sponsors will be at the event except Gaeta and 3rd Eye.
- Lantern craft
- Girl scouts are doing an edible how to make a fire craft (2 tables)
- Glow in the dark football throw game
- We don’t currently have this on the volunteer list, weren’t planning on having another pay game
- Maybe not do the yard games, last year we lost the most pieces because it’s dark out.
- Items for sale, prizes
- Have $5 prizes for carnival game, sell same light up stuff walking around for same price
- Swag like hats, hoodies
- Volunteer t-shirts will be ready tomorrow or Wednesday.
- Steve is meeting with DFD to talk about building the pallet structure
- They may set that up on Friday
- Rethinking how we do the photobackdrop
- Elsa from 5-6pm (Carol Finn)
- Old Salem Villagers dance routines from 5:30-5:45pm
- Dave to check with them about the gravel area, no pavement available
- Also need to verify their audio needs, DJ support
- Map review
- Stuff-a-Falcon is missing, need to add next to our booth
- Need to review the game trailer position and where the dancers would go
- Move the light tower on the far end of the bonfire to the baseball diamond behind the art assoc and girl scouts
- Tables and tents needed
- DJ, 1 table, 1 tent
- DFF Booth, 2 tables, 1 tent
- Stuff-a-Falcon, 1 table, 1 tent
- Carnival game, 1 4ft table
- Photo backdrop, 1 table
- No chairs needed, but maybe bring some for ourselves
- Need generator for DJ and DFF Booth lighting
- Dave to supply
- Check if there is enough wattage available for a space heater at the DFF Booth
- We will have christmas lights for our booth
- Agenda
- 4:30-7:30pm
- 4:45 sponsor shout out
- 5:00-6:00 Elsa
- 5:30-5:45 Old Salem Villagers
- 6:00 Bonfire lit
- We have secured a photographer for all our 2025 events
- 3rd Eye Studio
- Can we get a link that we could post online for others to see our event photos?
Pancake Breakfast
- Still working on logistics, equipment
- Date is set for March 1, 2025 8am to 12pm
- Can we get Walmart or Target to donate kids bikes for us to raffle?
- Tweak the flyer to make the FalconFest logo more obvious, darker, and in upper right corner
- Raffles
- Should have some kid raffles too
- Placemat
- Face Painting
- Blow up costume characters
- Single price vs family price tickets, early purchase discount online vs at the door
- What’s a good price?
- $7 for a door price
- Maybe offer $5 for early purchase online
- This should be a heavily HS student volunteer event
Entertainment for Downtown Rewind and Summer Night Lights
- Looking for Elvis again for Rewind
- Magician for Summer Night Lights
- Looking at other street entertainers, jugglers ..etc
- Trying to get the Taylor Swift look-alike that works Canobie Lake Park, no luck so far
Upcoming Events and Volunteer Opportunities
- Winter Bonfire, Saturday 01/11/25
- Pancake Breakfast, Saturday 03/01/25
- Downtown Rewind, Tuesday 06/24/25
- Summer Night Lights, Sunday 08/10/25
- Christmas Tree Lighting and Holiday Parade, Saturday 12/06/25
- Dave to update the website event page with all the 2025 events planned
Next Meeting – 02/03/25 at 7p at the Danvers Fire Headquarters