Open Meeting Minutes

Danvers falconfest

DATE  March 12, 2024  TIME  7:00 PM 



Welcome  Amy  5 
Member of the Month  Amy  5 
Finance and Fundraising Update  Rebecca  20 
Seeking Volunteer Leads  Dave  15 

Event Updates 

  • Comedy Night fundraiser – 3/21 
  • Easter Bunny fundraiser – 3/23 
  • Downtown Rewind – 6/25 
  • Fireworks Spectacular – 8/11 
Lisa, Jocelyn, Rebecca, Dave  30 
Public Service Announcements  Amy  5 
Open  All  10 


Board Members – Amy Ciancarelli, Rebecca Froncki, Jocelyn Marchand, David Pabisz 

Community Members – Mike Trainor, Ashley Bivens, Sarah Gagnon, Joni Pesola, Nancy Sweeter, Melanie Little, Lisa Cole, Linda Swinnerton (Kiwanis) 



Respectfully submitted by David Pabisz 


Welcome – Amy 

  • Welcome any new volunteers, visitors, ..etc. 
  • Linda Swinnerton (Kiwanis President) joined us this week. 

Member of the Month – Amy 

  • Joni Pesola is the DFF Member of the Month! 
  • Presented her with a gift of flower bulbs. 

Finance and Fundraising Update – Rebecca 

  • Bonfire in January cost us $3,500 after factoring in funds raised at the event. 
  • Our budget target for 2024 is $65,000. 
    • Fireworks Spectacular event is $40,000 of that budget. 
    • We have raised approximately $32,000 from corporate sponsors so far. 
    • Still actively pursuing potential sponsors. 
    • We also have some small donations from individuals. 
    • We will need to make a community appeal for additional funding soon. 
  • Revisit some costs 
    • Take a 2nd look at the Fireworks insurance.  Ocean State Pyrotechnics has their own insurance to cover damages.  We also have insurance for the event.  There might be overlap in coverage that we could trim. 
    • Beverly Homecoming has instituted carry-in carry-out policy for trash for many years. If we did something like that we may be able to reduce DPW costs (especially for Fireworks).  Will take it under consideration. 

          Seeking Volunteer Leads – Dave 

          • See addendum at the end of the minutes for lead role descriptions 
          • Appeal to DFF member and the community to fill some specific volunteer position needs 
            • A volunteer could have a lead role for just 1 event or multiple events. 
            • Activities Lead 
            • Entertainment Lead 
            • Food Vendor Lead 
              • Ashley Bivens volunteered to be Food Vendor Lead for all events! 
            • Vendor/Business/Sponsor Lead 
            • Volunteer Lead 
              • Joni Pesola volunteered to be Volunteer Lead for Fireworks! 

                  Event Updates – Lisa, Jocelyn, Rebecca, Dave 

                  • Comedy Night fundraiser 
                    • Some discussion about raffle ticket prices 
                      • Settled on $20 for base raffle ticket price, gets 10 tickets 
                      • Can do $30 to get double the number of tickets 
                      • Easter Bunny fundraiser 
                        • Walked through the activities 
                        • Mike volunteered to wear the bunny costume 
                        • Downtown Rewind 
                          • Viewed the map showing where all the tables, cars, band, food trucks ..etc. will be 
                          • Fireworks 
                            • Viewed the map showing how the DHS fields and parking areas will be divided up 
                            • It was proposed that we should do something to honor/memorialize Donnie Barnett for his past contributions to the Fireworks in Danvers.  The board will consider this. 

                            Public Service Announcements – Amy 

                              • Danvers Accessibility Commission is looking for panelists to share their experiences 

                                Open – All 

                                • No additional topics raised 


                                Next Meeting – 04/09/24 at 7p at the Danvers Fire Headquarters 



                                Addendum: Description of Event Lead Roles referred to in the minutes 

                                • Activities Lead (Works closely with Vendor Lead) 
                                  • Identify activities for the event (i.e crafts, photo booth, games) 
                                  • Assign activities to interested corporate sponsors and other potential vendors  
                                  • Create a budget for activity supplies 
                                  • Communicate set up logistics for each activity via a written manifest 
                                • Entertainment Lead 
                                  • Engage with entertainers (i.e bands, jugglers, DJ) 
                                  • Obtain pricing and contract terms from vendors 
                                  • Share contracts with the Board for approval and payment  
                                • Food Vendor Lead 
                                  • Reach out to local businesses to gauge interest in participation and document “specials” to be offered 
                                  • Source food vendors/trucks and communicate our food truck participation fee 
                                  • Educate food vendors/trucks about the Danvers DPH process 
                                • Vendor/Business/Sponsor Lead (Works closely with Activities Lead) 
                                  • Coordinate with corporate sponsors regarding presence at event by understanding if they are interested in setting up a table and/or hosting an activity 
                                  • Work with Activities Lead on matching sponsor with activity when applicable 
                                  • Ensure businesses, crafters, and vendors are aware of the Danvers Hawker Peddler application process and our table event fee  
                                • Volunteer Lead 
                                  • Determine number of volunteers needed by obtaining feedback from the Activities Lead and Board 
                                  • Create and send out a SignUp Genius link for volunteer assignments and time slots 
                                  • Host volunteer meetings to discuss tasks and logistics